Tenho muito pouco a falar sobre a música dele, a não ser pela trilha de uma propaganda de um provedor de internet de melodia singela e letra especialmente bonita e provocante. ":|"
O site mais parece um zine, revista em quadrinhos ou algo que o valha. A parte do layout que não foi feita à mão, muito me lembra as páginas virtuais do início dos anos 2000, final dos anos 90, com fotos pequenas e legendas em alguma fonte cafona [roots!]. Tem também cartazes de shows e várias ilustrações super legais feitas pelo próprio.
A LastFM, com o nome dele, lembrou do Daniel Johnston... [aquele que era meio lelé e desenhava camisas pro Kurt Cobain] mas o que me lembra Jeffrey Lewis? Certamente alguma tarde ventilada de sonho, música boa [ao melhor estilo Lemonheads], violão mal afinado e açúcar, no tempo em que as coisas pareciam verdadeiras e o mundo era um grande desenho à mão livre.
End Result - Jeffrey Lewis
I am a product
I am a symbol of endless hopeless fruitless aimless games
I'm a glossy package on the market shelf
My contents aren't fit for human consumption
I could practically injure your perfect health
My ingredients will seize up your body's functions
I'm the dirt that everyone walks on
I am the orphan that nobody wants
I am the stair that everyone walks on
I am the leper that nobody wants to touch (much)
I am a sample
I am a scapegoat of useless futureless endless mindless ideas
I'm the number on a paper you file away
I'm a portfolio that you stick in the drawer
I'm the fool you try and scare when you say:
"We know all about you of that you can be sure"
Well I don't want your crazy system
I don't want to be on your files
Your temptations I try to resist them
Because I know what hides beneath your smiles
I am a topic
I am a subject for useless futureless endless mindless debates
You think of ways that you can hide me from the naive eyes of your figurehead
But don't you find that it ain't easy?
Wouldn't you love to see me dead?
Your answer is to give me treatment for crying out when you give me pain
Leave me with no possible remnant
You poke your knives into my brain
I'm an example
I'm no hero of the great intelligent magnificent human race
I'm part of the race that could all spare possesions
Part of the race that's wiping itself out
I'm part of the race that's got crazy obsessions
Like locking people up not letting them out
I hate the living dead and their working factories
They go like sheep to their production lines
They live on illusions; don't face the realities
All they live for is that big blue sign that says:
I'm bored, bored, bored
LINK: www.thejeffreylewissite.com/
P.S.: através do site dele dá pra jogar space invaders!!! Genial!
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